I know the title of this particular page will turn up now and then, and until it dies down, I'll just send this replacement page out to you. There are many people with different opinions on anything; some people hold the same beliefs as I have. Your Health And Tech Friend, is not about my opinion on current issues... even when I'd like to dip in to that territory. Your Health And Tech Friend wishes to remain politically neutral, so that I can serve anyone, in a safe environment; a friendly environment.
Sunday, November 18, 2012
Open Letters To Ann Romney
There are 'Open Letters to Ann Romney'
written in response to her talk at the Republican National Convention. I watched her speech and I did have strong feelings at what she had to say. I searched for 'open letters' to see what was ~out there` on the internet on other peoples' minds and I found several letters, which expressed my thoughts. So I published the links. I felt that "if I stand for nothing, I'll fall for anything" and I didn't want to do that. But, after more prayer and consideration; I felt that, what I'd like my website to stand for is, "if I can hurt you I won't, and if I can help you, I will." With that in mind, I removed the copy material from the letters; but, with regard to helping - I do feel a connection with the women and men who posted open letters to Mrs. Romney. Their feelings express the great difference(s) in the lives of the people in the United States. So, in that regard I do have a source to link to for one of the Open Letters to Ann Romney. At this source you will find one letter to Mrs. Romney. There are other open letters to be found on the internet in a Google search (more now than two weeks ago.) One of them had an 'attack' feeling that I don't necessarily want to speak to. That letter is also valid (in my opinion) but I chose not to go with it. Mrs. Romney did not speak to me that day, at her speech at the RNC. It took quite some time for me to find an answer to my question, which was - "Who is she talking to?" Which women?" She wasn't speaking to me at all, and I could not think of which women in 'my view of these United States' she may be addressing. (Possibly Ms. Ellie from the 1980's t.v. show Dallas?) To address just one part of her speach, I don't feel that either sex, men or women, hold the United States together, 'the women' is what she said, holds the United States together... In my opinion, and from what I see with my own eyes; it is the men and women of the United States that makes us what and who we are, in the United States. I am very proud to be an American; in all regards because at the least; we are the best of all in democracy, if we choose to retain our democracy as it was meant... oh, I really don't want to go there anymore now do I? I pray for our United States regularly, because I love the mix that we are; the melting pot.... There is such flavor in our communities. I couldn't choose to leave that; or to lose that. At the core of the strife, in my opinion is simply ignorance. Whether stubborn ignorance, or immature ignorance. Immature ignorance can change with age and experience. Stubborn ignorance really needs prayer. Enough from me. Your Health And Tech Friend....... .......
Saturday, November 10, 2012
Michelle Obama has long been a champion of Jason Wu...
"...Michelle Obama has long been a champion of Jason Wu, famously appearing in one of his designs at the Inaugural Ball in 2009. But now, she has taken her support one step further: she is the first person to wear his brand new contemporary label, Miss Wu, which doesn’t hit stores until January 2013...." "...The First Lady was the first person to be photographed in Miss Wu, the designer’s forthcoming contemporary label, when she appeared at a campaign event in Cincinnati on Wednesday. "...The Jason Wu Collection was established with a commitment to making beautifully crafted clothes with a modern sophistication. Jason has always been driven by a curiosity to learn about construction, workmanship and perfecting every detail of his designs. “My philosophy has always been to build a garment from the inside out,” explains Jason...."
As a child he began using dolls as mannequins to learn how to sew after his mother bought him his first sewing machine. The small nature of the mannequins taught him to fine tune every minute detail of his designs.
Today, he continues on the same path, striving for perfection in his collection where he must start working 5-6 months in advance of their presentation. Over 90% of his fabrics are produced in Italy and France, most of which are designed for and exclusive to Jason. Each season he creates unique prints based on the inspiration of the season and frequently explores new and innovative ways of printing them onto fabric. As the entire accessory collection is produced in Italy, he begins the process by creating custom hardware, heels and working closely with the tanneries to develop unique designs.
His many intricate embellishments take at least 5 months to create. The signature feather details are created ..." ... to this page ...
Human Trafficking... One of the Fastest Growing Criminal Industries...
After reading recent information about foreign; non-citizen workers, domestic and others in the United States: with this information coming to light I was reminded of someone I had met in early to mid 1990. I had started working in the kitchen of a sports bar; the manager was a woman in her, late 30's, maybe early 40's. She was a single, and working mom of a young boy who was about 4 or 5 years old. Usually on Saturday's this woman would bring a young girl in to the bar with her; the girl was maybe 17 years old; she said her name was Jackie; she was Asian. She was the 'babysitter' for this woman, who was caucasian. From some conversations we had, I know that the young woman lived with this woman and the small boy. The girl talked of going to college in the next year. Jackie seemed very immature; happy, ... very young minded and not a worldly person. Things didn't seem right the way she was spoken to, by the bar manager. Now, I look back and can see that it probably wasn't right. I don't know how this young Asian girl got involved in this older woman's life, as her baby sitter. Today I can see that it quite possibly could have been a situation as is spoken of today; a 'domestic' worker, non-citizen, working for, ?what kind of pay. No social security taxes being paid. No health benefits. Just cheap labor.
Within the past weeks I became aware of this situation in another part of America. I volunteered for one of the election boards and was making telephone calls to one of our west coast states. I'm in the mid-west, possibly we aren't as aware of this in the middle states. But I phoned many telephone numbers, for about a two hour period. (I was feeling very patriotic and spent some time on this.) The time; two-hours is important because within that time period, I don't know how many numbers I dialed within that state; but quite a lot of them. What I found was that the persons, registered voters; who the numbers belonged to, would not be home; a person who 'just worked there' would answer. A foreign accent, not an accent too common in the mid-west; and when I asked if they were going to support this candidate in the election they all said, "I'm not a citizen I cannot vote." I thanked them for their time and wished them a good evening. After finding what happend to the family in New York city this past week, or two; the tragedy; of the non-citizen nanny; what I see or think is, "Do they have any health insurance? ... If they are sick, does anyone help them; think of them?" I pretty much see that this would not probably be the case. And their wouldn't be social security benefits... so, as one article on the internet said, they'd have 'to work till they droppped.'
I also think of the manufactured items that are made in China (United States owned companies; or otherwise.) But if they are United States owned; and we purchase these goods: Is this no less slave labor just because we don't have to look the people in the eyes? I mean if child labor laws are broken; if people are working in unsafe conditions; breathing in air that our EPA or OSHA wouldn't allow; does this make it better, just because we don't see it? Not in my eyes.
Your Health And Tech Friend
Please see the article below for information as to what you can do if you suspect that someone is a victim of unfair working practices. There is a link, within the article below where you can give an anonymous tip.
"... under U.S. federal law, victims of human trafficking include children involved in the sex trade, adults age 18 or over who are coerced or deceived into commercial sex acts, and anyone forced into different forms of "labor or services," such as domestic workers held in a home, or farm-workers forced to labor against their will. The factors that each of these situations have in common are ..." ...continued....
Because human trafficking is considered to be one of the fastest growing criminal industries, the U.S. government and academic researchers are currently working on an up-to-date estimate of the total number of trafficked persons in the United States annually. With 100,000 children estimated to be in the sex trade in the United States each year, it is clear that the total number of human trafficking victims in the U.S. reaches into the hundreds of thousands when estimates of both adults and minors and sex trafficking and labor trafficking are aggregated. Because human trafficking is considered to be one of the fastest growing criminal industries, the U.S. government and academic researchers are currently working on an up-to-date estimate of the total number of trafficked persons in the United States annually. With 100,000 children estimated to be in the sex trade in the United States each year, it is clear that the total number of human trafficking victims in the U.S. reaches into the hundreds of thousands when estimates of both adults and minors and sex trafficking and labor trafficking are aggregated. (please click through to the original article to report any tips or to find more statistics and data) Forms of forced labor have been found in numerous places in the United States, including cases of people forced to work in restaurants. It is estimated that there are 100,000 children in the sex trade in the... continue to this text and source ...
Human trafficking is a form of modern-day slavery where people profit from the control and exploitation of others. As defined under U.S. federal law, victims of human trafficking include children involved in the sex trade, adults age 18 or over who are coerced or deceived into commercial sex acts, and anyone forced into different forms of "labor or services," such as domestic workers held in a home, or farm-workers forced to labor against their will. The factors that each of these situations have in common are elements of force, fraud, or coercion that are used to control people. Then, that control is tied to inducing someone into commercial sex acts, or labor or services. Numerous people in the field have summed up the concept of human trafficking as "compelled service." Every year, human traffickers generate billions of dollars in profits by victimizing millions of people around the world, and here in the United States. Human trafficking is considered to be one of the fastest growing criminal industries in the world...." "... Victims of human trafficking in the United States include U.S. citizens or foreign nationals, adults or minors, and men or women. Foreign-born victims in the U.S. may be either documented or undocumented.
Because human trafficking is considered to be one of the fastest growing criminal industries, the U.S. government and academic researchers are currently working on an up-to-date estimate of the total number of trafficked persons in the United States annually. With 100,000 children estimated to be in the sex trade in the United States each year, it is clear that the total number of human trafficking victims in the U.S. reaches into the hundreds of thousands when estimates of both adults and minors and sex trafficking and labor trafficking are aggregated. Because human trafficking is considered to be one of the fastest growing criminal industries, the U.S. government and academic researchers are currently working on an up-to-date estimate of the total number of trafficked persons in the United States annually. With 100,000 children estimated to be in the sex trade in the United States each year, it is clear that the total number of human trafficking victims in the U.S. reaches into the hundreds of thousands when estimates of both adults and minors and sex trafficking and labor trafficking are aggregated. (please click through to the original article to report any tips or to find more statistics and data) Forms of forced labor have been found in numerous places in the United States, including cases of people forced to work in restaurants. It is estimated that there are 100,000 children in the sex trade in the... continue to this text and source ...
Sunday, August 12, 2012
"join the boob-olution!"
Hey, mamas! Did you know August is National Breastfeeding Month? For such a great cause, we've created a campaign all about spreading the word that breastfeeding doesn't suck!
Mark your calendar. August 15 is now officially Public Display of Breastfeeding (PDB) day! If you're shy, you're going to have to leave some of your modesty at home, because we want you to (you guessed it) nurse your baby out in the open. --> Let everyone see that you're proud to be a breastfeeding mama! Moms everywhere will be doing it!
Your Health And Tech Friend Magazine The Portico Entrance

Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Potters Bar Brownie Troop Helps Hunger In Malawi....
Potters Bar Brownie Troop Helps Hunger In Malawi....
DUE to the good work of the Potters Bar brownies, 50 backpacks full of useful items are on their way to the poverty-struck country Malawi.
As part of the ‘Together we can’ project undertaken by the brownies, awareness had to be raised about poor places across the world leading to ideas of ways to fundraise.
The brownies at Potters Bar decided to support the project ‘Mary’s Meals’, which has a backpack appeal asking fundraisers to fill a backpack with educational and lifestyle items.
The 5th Potters Bar Brownies leader Nikki Sullivan said: “The Backpack Project is a simple way to help children from poor families to get to school in countries like Liberia and Malawi.
“Very often these families cannot afford to buy basic things like pencils and notebooks, or even suitable clothes to wear to school, and so children miss out on an education.
“Along with the free school meal that Mary’s Meals provides, costing as little as £6.15 per child, per year, the backpacks that we send help children to get an education that will help them escape poverty in later life.”
The brownies asked sister organisations, such as scouts, cubs, beavers, guides and rainbows, to help the project by donating items such as notepads, pencils, crayons, rulers, toothpaste, toothbrushes and items of....click to follow this article....http://www.yourhealthandtechfriend.com/potters_bar_hertfordshire,_uk.htm
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Aspertame And The Brain
Sometimes I feel sad when I think about how different things are today, from
when I was growing up. In tenth grade I first tried the cola named 'Tab' -
ohhh, that was awful tasting stuff. But, because it 'had no sugar' I tried
very hard to like it. At home my mom
used saccharine: oh! Talk about a very bad taste. I tried it straight out of
the bottle: little drops would come out of it. Clear, liquid in about a 5 oz
bottle. I'm not certain when but eventually Pepsi came out with Diet Pepsi, and
that was pretty good. Then Coke: not certain which came first. I do remember
getting Diet Pepsi in a bottle. That was a taste that was a little easier to
get used to. Soon, boy that was all that I drank. Diet colas; mostly I
preferred the pepsi. Coke was sweeter than I liked. By 1989/90 I was drinking
about one or two 2-liter bottles a day. This has not been an easy habit for me
to break.
But, over a few months time within this last year, after some
constant reminders from my daughter, I am now diet cola free. And I'm not
missing it finally. I did miss it for awhile; I'd have one every week, maybe
two; I sort of weaned my way off of them. But I'm free of it, and I can say
that my memory is more sharp. I can actually go to the local grocery store
without a list; and my recall on everything is very good. It was not very good
in the past. I constantly had to ask myself "what was I looking for" - "what
did I come here for." Not any more! Your Health And Tech Friend P.S. It is
my recommendation that we do not drink beverages with aspertame, and other artificial sweeteners; or consume other
products with the artificial stuff in it. Would we run our cars on artificial
gas? How long would they run properly. Just a thought. P.P.S. Check out the
effects of truvia...
Sunday, June 3, 2012
My Daughter's Scoliosis Update....
An important change in my daughter’s spine is indicated in this way. She practices ballet: for class; naturally, she needs to shave her armpits (my daughter also has nystagmus, her eyes move from side to side). My husband and I believe that nystagmus is related to scoliosis. With nystagmus it makes it difficult for her to shave her underarms by herself. I’ve helped her through the past five years with this. Since she has been consistently taking the body balance kit: of liquid, angstrom sized minerals; along with other supplemental minerals and ‘good’ vitamins. Her armpit structure has changed. We could see the change in her spine. I will post pictures here as soon as time allows. I’ve got pictures from last year, the year before; and from a couple of different months in 2011/12. There is a clear change in her spine; not in height, but in the shape of the curve. However as I helped her with her underarms; there used to be a concave shape in her right armpit: it made it difficult to shave this particular armpit. The left one was more flat shaped (had no real shape.) Today, this is June 2, 2012; there is symmetry in the shape of her armpits. That blew me away when I first detected it. It was possibly three five months ago that I noticed this change. She’d been taking the minerals most consistently this past 6 months. These are minerals which I purchase from a company called Water Divine. I’d like you to understand that I do not sell any product, and I am not an affiliate for anyone. I’ve taken on this website in order to share the benefits which my family and I get from using colloidal silver, which I make myself. Again, I don’t sell anything. However, at work I had a friend who talked to me about the products he takes, which were from that company, Water Divine. That was when I found them.
That was about 3 years ago. We have used them since, however not as consistently as in this past, maybe 8 months. They (mineral foundation and support) are the true answer to correction of disease. And they are the true prevention of disease. We are also using MMS as I belive there is a viral link to scoliosis. (Please use discretion in using any alternative source of health or wellness products. Your Health And Tech Friend is not a medical provider.) I’m fired up about this now… But enough for this time.
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
We Need Spiritual Roots..."Family Roots"...
I don't watch much television anymore, but yesterday I also
saw an episode of (Dr. Oz) .... my parents watch Dr. Oz and
I go to their house. Among the guests were a couple of
women who 'the experts' said were lacking some sort of
feelings of self-worth, and advised things such as
screaming; and self-talk, and ... all of these external
things. What I saw in the two women
was a lack of anything substantial in their 'spiritual make-up'. No foundation to them. I'm certain now, that they no doubt have no mineral foundation; however, those women and I believe our country; and our world - lack a spiritual foundation.
This is quite a step but I'll take it. The family foundation has been rocked; but as to the talk of what constitutes a family; as in, marriage among the same sex: no doubt any family foundation
would be something that could change our world. The family indeed has been lost; why negate or undermine the existance and goodness of any family unit. Whether in a marriage union, or 'friends living together' - the way that some people find family.
Family isn't always and maybe not usually found among blood lines - or through marriage. We need structure, we need love in our lives. True concern and caring for one anothers' welfare. And we need spiritual roots. A firm bedrock of God in our lives.
Your Health And Tech Friend
was a lack of anything substantial in their 'spiritual make-up'. No foundation to them. I'm certain now, that they no doubt have no mineral foundation; however, those women and I believe our country; and our world - lack a spiritual foundation.
This is quite a step but I'll take it. The family foundation has been rocked; but as to the talk of what constitutes a family; as in, marriage among the same sex: no doubt any family foundation
would be something that could change our world. The family indeed has been lost; why negate or undermine the existance and goodness of any family unit. Whether in a marriage union, or 'friends living together' - the way that some people find family.
Family isn't always and maybe not usually found among blood lines - or through marriage. We need structure, we need love in our lives. True concern and caring for one anothers' welfare. And we need spiritual roots. A firm bedrock of God in our lives.
Your Health And Tech Friend
Friday, May 4, 2012
...human body possesses amazing healing powers...
The human body possesses amazing healing powers that enable it to bounce back from a vast array of illhttp://www.yourhealthandtechfriend.com/disease_is_reversible.htmnesses and injuries. Sometimes broken bones can heal so thoroughly within a few months that even an x-ray can't determine the original fracture line.
Doctors often play a vital, sometimes lifesaving, role in a bone's healing process. But, these experts basically help the body heal itself. Doctors provide optimal conditions for bone repair and healing to take place. The rest is up to your cells. ....
| ||
The human body
possesses amazing healing powers that enable it to bounce back from a vast array
of illnesses and injuries. Sometimes broken bones can heal so thoroughly within
a few months that even an x-ray can't determine the original fracture line.
Doctors often play a vital, sometimes lifesaving, role in a bone's healing process. But, these experts basically help the body heal itself. Doctors provide optimal conditions for bone repair and healing to take place. The rest is up to your cells. .... (Please click the
Doctors often play a vital, sometimes lifesaving, role in a bone's healing process. But, these experts basically help the body heal itself. Doctors provide optimal conditions for bone repair and healing to take place. The rest is up to your cells. .... (Please click the
The human body
possesses amazing healing powers that enable it to bounce back from a vast array
of illnesses and injuries. Sometimes broken bones can heal so thoroughly within
a few months that even an x-ray can't determine the original fracture line.
Doctors often play a vital, sometimes lifesaving, role in a bone's healing process. But, these experts basically help the body heal itself. Doctors provide optimal conditions for bone repair and healing to take place. The rest is up to your cells. .... (Please click the
Doctors often play a vital, sometimes lifesaving, role in a bone's healing process. But, these experts basically help the body heal itself. Doctors provide optimal conditions for bone repair and healing to take place. The rest is up to your cells. .... (Please click the
Monday, April 2, 2012
Cough that won't go away - April 2, 2012
We take liquid minerals (angstrom sized) in our home for health maintenance, and for fighting flu and cold. My daughter and husband have the most recent 'flu/cold' (the cough that won't go away.) We don't use traditional medicine in our home to the extent that we can avoid it. [I have a web page on my attempt to rid myself of this flu/cold on my website, Your Health And Tech Friend on a page I titled: Yikes! I've got a cold. I didn't do well, I'm still learning the proper use of minerals.] Last night, I'd just gotten to bed, and our daughter began to cough. I'd given her some minerals just before bed but she was coughing again. I got out the bottle of liquid copper, and brought her about a half ounce in a glass of 'angstrom sized' liquid copper. After drinking it, maybe 5 minutes later she coughed again... (I was tired, I thought "oh, maybe it won't do it.") But that was it, she fell asleep. She slept through the night. That was approx. 10:30pm (4/1/12) it is now 8:15 a.m. (4/2/12) and she is not coughing and she is sleeping in. My 16 year old daughter and husband have been battling this cough/throat congestion for two weeks. Family members who have this cough, and have gone to doctors, have been given antibiotics (just this past two weeks,) and it has not helped the cough. This seems to be a virus, which is not stopped by antibiotics. That was why we knew we would not receive help from a trip to the doctors. We've been using colloidal silver, colloidal zinc and colloidal copper; alternating the use of these. We are in the northeastern part of Ohio with family in near southern ohio.
Now, liquid minerals have antiviral and antibacterial properties. Just as some herbs, such as oragano have antiviral, so do minerals, of course colloidal silver does. I got online this morning and requested if (some viruses respond better to certain minerals rather than others... i.e. copper than zinc, or silver; I looked up whether some minerals resist certain bacteria better than other minerals.) I found the article below (from Wikipedia.)
Note: copper was the last thing she had at 10:30 last night. If you read the items below, I've highlighted the part(s) that are most understandable to the layman's eye, it looks as if copper "has the ability to destroy" certain bacteria/strains of microbes... ' such as the influenza A virus, adenovirus, fungi, staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), staphylococcus, clostridium difficile..'. some of those are easy to recognise and are familiar, I've not heard of clostridium difficile, but I think it is something common. Yes, (It is a common virus rivelling MRSA as a hospital-acquired infection.)
Your Health And Tech Friend
P.S. I think colloidal copper is the answer to this current strain of virus!
P.P.S. There is much to research and learn before using any alterntive avenues. www.yourhealthandtechfriend.com is a magazine for enlightening, uplifting and entertaining. We are not a medical source and do not promote the use of any alternative medical care or any particular products. If you have a medical condition, you must see a medical doctor.
P.P.S. I believe that foods high in copper, zinc and other minerals would be highly beneficial in staying healthy or in regaining health.
P.P.P.S. I've had diarrhea myself since yesterday (this is now 2:30 pm) I've taken the liquid copper, several times; about a tablespoon at a time, and it is under control. My daughter is feeling better; no cough; resting her voice, as it had become laryngitis. I'll update this entry soon.
From Wikipedia...
"...Copper alloy surfaces have intrinsic properties to destroy a wide range of microorganisms. In the interest of protecting public health, especially in heathcare environments with their susceptible patient populations, an abundance of peer-reviewed antimicrobial efficacy studies have been conducted in the past 10 years regarding copper’s efficacy to destroy E. coli O157:H7, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), Staphylococcus, Clostridium difficile, influenza A virus, adenovirus, and fungi.[22] Stainless steel was also investigated since it is such an important surface material in today’s healthcare environments. The studies cited here, plus others directed by the United States Environmental Protection Agency, resulted in the 2008 registration of 274 different copper alloys as certified antimicrobial materials that have public health benefits."....
"...Clostridium difficile, an anaerobic bacterium, is a major cause of potentially life-threatening disease, including nosocomial diarrheal infections, especially in developed countries.[35] C. difficile endospores can survive for up to five months on surfaces.[36] The pathogen is frequently transmitted by the hands of healthcare workers in hospital environments. C. difficile is currently a leading hospital-acquired infection in the UK,[37] and rivals MRSA as the most common organism to cause hospital acquired infections in the US[38] It is responsible for a series of intestinal health complications, often referred to collectively as Clostridium difficile Associated Disease (CDAD).
The antimicrobial efficacy of various copper alloys against Clostridium difficile was recently evaluated.[39] The viability of C. difficile spores and vegetative cells were studied on copper alloys C11000 (99.9% copper), C51000 (95% copper), C70600 (90% copper), C26000 (70% copper), and C75200 (65% copper). Stainless steel (S30400) was used as the experimental control. The copper alloys significantly reduced the viability of both C. difficile spores and vegetative cells. On C75200, near total kill was observed after one hour. On C11000, near total kill was observed after 3 hours. On C70600, near total kill was observed after 5 hours. On C26000, near total kill was achieved after 48 hours. On stainless steel, no reductions in viable organisms were observed after 72 hours (3 days) of exposure and no significant reduction was observed within 168 hours (1 week).
Main article: Influenza A virus
Influenza, commonly known as flu, is an infectious disease from a viral pathogen different from the one that produces the common cold. Symptoms of influenza, which are much more severe than the common cold, include fever, sore throat, muscle pains, severe headache, coughing, weakness and general discomfort. Influenza can cause pneumonia, which can be fatal, particularly in young children and the elderly.
After incubation for one hour on copper, active influenza A virus particles were reduced by 75%.[40][41] After six hours, the particles were reduced on copper by 99.999%. Influenza A virus was found to survive in large numbers on stainless steel.
Once surfaces are contaminated with virus particles, fingers can transfer particles to up to seven other clean surfaces.[42] Because of copper’s ability to destroy influenza A virus particles, copper can help to prevent cross-contamination of this viral pathogen.
Main article: Adenoviridae
Adenovirus is a group of viruses that infect the tissue lining membranes of the respiratory and urinary tracts, eyes, and intestines. Adenoviruses account for about 10% of acute respiratory infections in children. These viruses are a frequent cause of diarrhea.
In a recent study, 75% of adenovirus particles were inactivated on copper (C11000) within 1 hour. Within six hours, 99.999% of the adenovirus particles were inactivated. Within six hours, 50% of the infectious adenovirus particles survived on stainless steel.[41]
The antifungal efficacy of copper was compared to aluminium on the following organisms that can cause human infections: Aspergillus spp., Fusarium spp., Penicillium chrysogenum, Aspergillus niger and Candida albicans.[43] An increased die-off of fungal spores was found on copper surfaces compared with aluminium. Aspergillus niger growth occurred on the aluminium coupons; growth was inhibited on and around copper coupons...."...
"...Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is a dangerous bacteria strain because it is resistant to beta-lactam antibiotics.[30][31] Recent strains of the bacteria, EMRSA-15 and EMRSA-16, are highly transmissible and durable. This is of extreme importance to those concerned with reducing the incidence of hospital-acquired MRSA infections.
In 2008, after evaluating a wide body of research mandated specifically by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), registration approvals were granted by EPA in 2008 granting that copper alloys kill more than 99.9% of MRSA within two hours.
Subsequent research conducted at the University of Southampton (UK) compared the antimicrobial efficacies of copper and several non-copper proprietary coating products to kill MRSA.[32][33] At 20 °C, the drop-off in MRSA organisms on copper alloy C11000 is dramatic and almost complete (over 99.9% kill rate) within 75 minutes. However, neither a triclosan-based product nor two silver-containing based antimicrobial treatments (Ag-A and Ag-B) exhibited any meaningful efficacy against MRSA. Stainless steel S30400 did not exhibit any antimicrobial efficacy.
In 2004, the University of Southampton research team was the first to clearly demonstrate that copper inhibits MRSA.[34] On copper alloys — C19700 (99% copper), C24000 (80% copper), and C77000 (55% copper) — significant reductions in viability were achieved at room temperatures after 1.5 hours, 3.0 hours and 4.5 hours, respectively. Faster antimicrobial efficacies were associated with higher copper alloy content. Stainless steel did not exhibit any bactericidal benefits."...
Now, liquid minerals have antiviral and antibacterial properties. Just as some herbs, such as oragano have antiviral, so do minerals, of course colloidal silver does. I got online this morning and requested if (some viruses respond better to certain minerals rather than others... i.e. copper than zinc, or silver; I looked up whether some minerals resist certain bacteria better than other minerals.) I found the article below (from Wikipedia.)
Note: copper was the last thing she had at 10:30 last night. If you read the items below, I've highlighted the part(s) that are most understandable to the layman's eye, it looks as if copper "has the ability to destroy" certain bacteria/strains of microbes... ' such as the influenza A virus, adenovirus, fungi, staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), staphylococcus, clostridium difficile..'. some of those are easy to recognise and are familiar, I've not heard of clostridium difficile, but I think it is something common. Yes, (It is a common virus rivelling MRSA as a hospital-acquired infection.)
Your Health And Tech Friend
P.S. I think colloidal copper is the answer to this current strain of virus!
P.P.S. There is much to research and learn before using any alterntive avenues. www.yourhealthandtechfriend.com is a magazine for enlightening, uplifting and entertaining. We are not a medical source and do not promote the use of any alternative medical care or any particular products. If you have a medical condition, you must see a medical doctor.
P.P.S. I believe that foods high in copper, zinc and other minerals would be highly beneficial in staying healthy or in regaining health.
P.P.P.S. I've had diarrhea myself since yesterday (this is now 2:30 pm) I've taken the liquid copper, several times; about a tablespoon at a time, and it is under control. My daughter is feeling better; no cough; resting her voice, as it had become laryngitis. I'll update this entry soon.
From Wikipedia...
"...Copper alloy surfaces have intrinsic properties to destroy a wide range of microorganisms. In the interest of protecting public health, especially in heathcare environments with their susceptible patient populations, an abundance of peer-reviewed antimicrobial efficacy studies have been conducted in the past 10 years regarding copper’s efficacy to destroy E. coli O157:H7, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), Staphylococcus, Clostridium difficile, influenza A virus, adenovirus, and fungi.[22] Stainless steel was also investigated since it is such an important surface material in today’s healthcare environments. The studies cited here, plus others directed by the United States Environmental Protection Agency, resulted in the 2008 registration of 274 different copper alloys as certified antimicrobial materials that have public health benefits."....
"...Clostridium difficile, an anaerobic bacterium, is a major cause of potentially life-threatening disease, including nosocomial diarrheal infections, especially in developed countries.[35] C. difficile endospores can survive for up to five months on surfaces.[36] The pathogen is frequently transmitted by the hands of healthcare workers in hospital environments. C. difficile is currently a leading hospital-acquired infection in the UK,[37] and rivals MRSA as the most common organism to cause hospital acquired infections in the US[38] It is responsible for a series of intestinal health complications, often referred to collectively as Clostridium difficile Associated Disease (CDAD).
The antimicrobial efficacy of various copper alloys against Clostridium difficile was recently evaluated.[39] The viability of C. difficile spores and vegetative cells were studied on copper alloys C11000 (99.9% copper), C51000 (95% copper), C70600 (90% copper), C26000 (70% copper), and C75200 (65% copper). Stainless steel (S30400) was used as the experimental control. The copper alloys significantly reduced the viability of both C. difficile spores and vegetative cells. On C75200, near total kill was observed after one hour. On C11000, near total kill was observed after 3 hours. On C70600, near total kill was observed after 5 hours. On C26000, near total kill was achieved after 48 hours. On stainless steel, no reductions in viable organisms were observed after 72 hours (3 days) of exposure and no significant reduction was observed within 168 hours (1 week).
Main article: Influenza A virus
Influenza, commonly known as flu, is an infectious disease from a viral pathogen different from the one that produces the common cold. Symptoms of influenza, which are much more severe than the common cold, include fever, sore throat, muscle pains, severe headache, coughing, weakness and general discomfort. Influenza can cause pneumonia, which can be fatal, particularly in young children and the elderly.
After incubation for one hour on copper, active influenza A virus particles were reduced by 75%.[40][41] After six hours, the particles were reduced on copper by 99.999%. Influenza A virus was found to survive in large numbers on stainless steel.
Once surfaces are contaminated with virus particles, fingers can transfer particles to up to seven other clean surfaces.[42] Because of copper’s ability to destroy influenza A virus particles, copper can help to prevent cross-contamination of this viral pathogen.
Main article: Adenoviridae
Adenovirus is a group of viruses that infect the tissue lining membranes of the respiratory and urinary tracts, eyes, and intestines. Adenoviruses account for about 10% of acute respiratory infections in children. These viruses are a frequent cause of diarrhea.
In a recent study, 75% of adenovirus particles were inactivated on copper (C11000) within 1 hour. Within six hours, 99.999% of the adenovirus particles were inactivated. Within six hours, 50% of the infectious adenovirus particles survived on stainless steel.[41]
The antifungal efficacy of copper was compared to aluminium on the following organisms that can cause human infections: Aspergillus spp., Fusarium spp., Penicillium chrysogenum, Aspergillus niger and Candida albicans.[43] An increased die-off of fungal spores was found on copper surfaces compared with aluminium. Aspergillus niger growth occurred on the aluminium coupons; growth was inhibited on and around copper coupons...."...
"...Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is a dangerous bacteria strain because it is resistant to beta-lactam antibiotics.[30][31] Recent strains of the bacteria, EMRSA-15 and EMRSA-16, are highly transmissible and durable. This is of extreme importance to those concerned with reducing the incidence of hospital-acquired MRSA infections.
In 2008, after evaluating a wide body of research mandated specifically by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), registration approvals were granted by EPA in 2008 granting that copper alloys kill more than 99.9% of MRSA within two hours.
Subsequent research conducted at the University of Southampton (UK) compared the antimicrobial efficacies of copper and several non-copper proprietary coating products to kill MRSA.[32][33] At 20 °C, the drop-off in MRSA organisms on copper alloy C11000 is dramatic and almost complete (over 99.9% kill rate) within 75 minutes. However, neither a triclosan-based product nor two silver-containing based antimicrobial treatments (Ag-A and Ag-B) exhibited any meaningful efficacy against MRSA. Stainless steel S30400 did not exhibit any antimicrobial efficacy.
In 2004, the University of Southampton research team was the first to clearly demonstrate that copper inhibits MRSA.[34] On copper alloys — C19700 (99% copper), C24000 (80% copper), and C77000 (55% copper) — significant reductions in viability were achieved at room temperatures after 1.5 hours, 3.0 hours and 4.5 hours, respectively. Faster antimicrobial efficacies were associated with higher copper alloy content. Stainless steel did not exhibit any bactericidal benefits."...
Friday, March 30, 2012
My Day Today - Your Health And Tech Friend
When you have a teenage daughter sometimes the household has to become vegetarians; ours is now a 'certified organic' household. At this moment I'm ok with that. Our grocery shopping is good for a couple of days. I'm also the 'sandwich generation' in between older parents and a younger child. A moment ago I was comforting our dog, she is a mixed breed known as a 'gollie' - part golden retreiver, part collie. She is afraid; terrified of storms and the rain is coming down and it's been lightening a little; she was trembling from head to tail, so I was holding her and comfortably petting her to help her to calm down. I'm home, which isn't usual these days - I/we go to my parents home several days a week and it isn't an easy life. I'm already aware of the benefits it has, in that I won't/don't feel guilty, but it sure isn't an easy way to go. The biggest part is that it's hard to accept the house being layers upon layers of dust; the clothing piled up to about 4 feet tall and 6 feet wide of a pile. The kitchen floor hasn't been mopped fully, except for spills, in a couple of months. When I look at it on paper I see clearly what people have said; 'if it doesn't breathe, it doesnn't matter.' I have a terrific husband who isn't a person to criticize even if there is no dinner, and their hasn't been for quite awhile, not on a regular basis Thank goodness he is good with a bowl of cereal now and then! We have pretty traditional roles in our home. Even if that was something I fought against in high school years. I was a woman who would never be controlled by a man. I can't be controlled, that won't happen, but I do enjoy being the 'wife' with the roles it comes with. Even if I'm not always happy about the work.
Today I'm at home and I'm happy about that. I'm crochetting a baby blanket for a niece who will be having a baby soon. Her shower is in about one week and it is almost done. I have the yarn purchased for another baby that is already here; a friend of my daughter's, mom, had her - get this, 6th baby! Wow, now that's an old fashioned family, huh?
We won't be seeing them for a few weeks, or two months, so that blanket will be next. It's relaxing to crochette but seems a little selfish to me, taking out the time to do it. But it does save on money for a baby gift and the 'home made' blanket thing is a valuable gift these days... so that gives me 'reason' to accept taking out the time to do it.
Women today still have guilt I know, just being a mom creates reason or situations for guilt. Much has changed for women in the world, but some things haven't. I have a small amount of guilt. I try and work what i call, a spiritual program... so that gives me 'tools' to work with in my life. Like turning things over to God; accepting things that I cannot change; trying the regular tools of thinking, like the common sense stuff that says that I can't do it all. Another great thing can be just a saying that came to me lately, "I can only please 3 persons today and you're not one of them." Or, try and please everyone and no one is pleased - please yourself and at least someone is pleased.
Well, that is where I am today. Bye for now....
Today I'm at home and I'm happy about that. I'm crochetting a baby blanket for a niece who will be having a baby soon. Her shower is in about one week and it is almost done. I have the yarn purchased for another baby that is already here; a friend of my daughter's, mom, had her - get this, 6th baby! Wow, now that's an old fashioned family, huh?
We won't be seeing them for a few weeks, or two months, so that blanket will be next. It's relaxing to crochette but seems a little selfish to me, taking out the time to do it. But it does save on money for a baby gift and the 'home made' blanket thing is a valuable gift these days... so that gives me 'reason' to accept taking out the time to do it.
Women today still have guilt I know, just being a mom creates reason or situations for guilt. Much has changed for women in the world, but some things haven't. I have a small amount of guilt. I try and work what i call, a spiritual program... so that gives me 'tools' to work with in my life. Like turning things over to God; accepting things that I cannot change; trying the regular tools of thinking, like the common sense stuff that says that I can't do it all. Another great thing can be just a saying that came to me lately, "I can only please 3 persons today and you're not one of them." Or, try and please everyone and no one is pleased - please yourself and at least someone is pleased.
Well, that is where I am today. Bye for now....
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Leaky Gut Syndrome...or raw food diet for dogs...hmmm.
Today it was a toss up, to talk about my pet's health, she didn't want to eat - she's on a 'raw-food diet since November; today she didn't want to eat, and she threw up some stomach acid; or to talk about 'leaky gut syndrome' (in humans), or... I don't remember the third thing. I believe I'll tackle the leaky gut next. There is so much more today to 'concern ourselves' with than there was when I was a kid... or when I was 28. I believe around 28... the 1980's things began to get complicated. Like on the news, I believe it was lettuce that year, which was believed to cause cancer. And it just proliferated from there. Soon we all knew that 'everything caused cancer.' Goodnight for now, Conny P.S. Oh yes... look to www.yourhealthandtechfriend.com for the latest, possibly 'leaky gut syndrome.'
Saturday, March 17, 2012
The Cancer Riddle...billions of dollars and decases in tme, we are not any closer to solving the...
"After billions of dollars and
decades in time, we are not any closer to solving the cancer
the number two killer in this country. Never mind solving or conquering cancer,
we don’t even understand the fundamental cause of cancer.
Foods We Eat....
"If people let the
government decide what
foods they eat and what
medicines they take, their
bodies will soon be in as
sorry a state as are the
souls of those who live
under tyranny." -- Thomas
Jefferson http://www.yourhealthandtechfriend.com/
government decide what
foods they eat and what
medicines they take, their
bodies will soon be in as
sorry a state as are the
souls of those who live
under tyranny." -- Thomas
Jefferson http://www.yourhealthandtechfriend.com/
Saturday, February 25, 2012
"kids have been educated on the dangers of electromagnetic radiation from cell phones..."
"...My kids have been educated on the dangers of
electromagnetic radiation (EMR) from cell phones, cordless phones and
WiFi networks, so they were aware enough to come home and tell me how they’re
unwillingly getting exposed to EMR at their school – via other kids’ cell phones
and the wireless computers in the computer room.
My children have told me that many children in their classes own cell phones, which are allowed to remain turned on, whilst in the classroom. Whether these phones are set to ring or just vibrate is not the issue. If they are turned on, then they are transmitting (and receiving) to the nearest cell phone tower continually and emitting electromagnetic radiation (EMR) throughout the classroom.
My son has also told me that all the computers in the computer room are wireless. Again, as computers on a WiFi network are in the “ultra-high frequency range” and nearly up to the “super high frequency” range (see info below on radiation frequencies from NASA), this likewise is transmitting very high EMR to the children (and teachers) in that classroom...."http://www.yourhealthandtechfriend.com/protection_from_electromagnetic_radiation_radiation_crisis_potassium_iodide.htm
My children have told me that many children in their classes own cell phones, which are allowed to remain turned on, whilst in the classroom. Whether these phones are set to ring or just vibrate is not the issue. If they are turned on, then they are transmitting (and receiving) to the nearest cell phone tower continually and emitting electromagnetic radiation (EMR) throughout the classroom.
My son has also told me that all the computers in the computer room are wireless. Again, as computers on a WiFi network are in the “ultra-high frequency range” and nearly up to the “super high frequency” range (see info below on radiation frequencies from NASA), this likewise is transmitting very high EMR to the children (and teachers) in that classroom...."http://www.yourhealthandtechfriend.com/protection_from_electromagnetic_radiation_radiation_crisis_potassium_iodide.htm
Sunday, February 19, 2012
Sebaceous Cyst Talk
"...My husband had a sebaceous cyst behind his ear. He
wears a knit cap to work... we didn't know what it was at the time. I thought it
was a boil, he thought it was a large pimple. The whole back of his ear lobe was
swelled. With the help of the internet, we were able to find articles ..." http://www.yourhealthandtechfriend.com/sebaceous_cyst.htm
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